The only reason I begin to get excited about fall and leave my love of summer behind for another year are those wonderful autumn scents.  When I hear that Starbucks has the pumpkin spice latte back in, I truly get excited!  I don't know what it is about the changing color of the leaves, the cool evenings and the scent of fall spices that get to me, but I am all in for fall when that starts happening.  

After the start up of school and a few cooler days, I had to realize there was no saving summer and denying fall so I began to experiment with some essential oils that help to make up all of those great autumn smells.  I tried a few recipes I want to share with you and I think you will love them as well.  We can no longer deny it, fall has arrived!

I'm going to credit Janice Taylor, from Natural Living Ideas for a couple of these.  I tried them and I love them!

Autumn Blend

Warm Citrus

Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice

Now for my two favorites!

Autumn Air

Pumpkin Pie, Oh My!

I guarantee if you like the scent of warm spices, frothy drinks (okay, I'm thinking about Starbucks again!), and cool evenings inside with the family, you will enjoy these healthy scents using 100% pure essential oils (remember, make sure it's 100% pure - some of the vanilla can be fragrance oil, not pure essential oil, so check carefully!).  I guess that makes it okay to start thinking about wearing sweaters and boots again, too.  I'm just going to stay away from the candy corn - summer will be again, eventually.

Kris Bitar